نماذج مقدمة بحث وخاتمة تصلح لجميع المجالات جديدة وغير مكررة

نماذج مقدمة بحث وخاتمة تصلح لجميع المجالات جديدة وغير مكررة

Research introduction and conclusion models that are suitable for all new and non-repetitive fields is what the topic of this article will address, as many university and school students and others interested in conducting comprehensive research seek to write their research in a distinctive way, especially in the introduction and conclusion of this research, which reflect the nature of each research, so they are interested Contents site throughout this article by providing introductions and conclusions for different models of research.

How to write an introduction and conclusion for any research paper

First of all, and before going into presenting research introduction and conclusion models that are suitable for all new and non-repetitive fields, it is necessary to define the best way to write the introduction and conclusion for any type of research, as follows:

How to write an introduction suitable for any research

The introduction to a research is one of the main pillars for the reader to prepare and enter the world of this research, so the introduction must be appropriate and integrated to give the reader a clear background on what he will find in this research, and the following are some tips for writing an integrated research introduction:

  • Start by listing the general research ideas before going to allocate about the main topic covered by the research.
  • Determine the goals that the writer hopes to write this research, and indicate its scientific importance, so that the reader can determine his desire to continue or not?
  • Use quotes and citations, being careful not to overdo them.
  • He put forward the hypotheses that prompted him to conduct this research, and stated the expected results.
  • Maintain the professional introduction structure that professional writers follow.
  • Attention to shortness, clarity and comprehensiveness in the introduction.
  • Not mentioning the internal details of the research.

How to write a conclusion suitable for any research

Also, delving into presenting research introduction and conclusion models that are suitable for all fields leads some to question how to write an integrated and excellent conclusion suitable for any research, and the following will provide some tips for writing the perfect conclusion:

  • That the writer opens his conclusion by indicating the end and conclusion of the famous closing words and phrases.
  • Provides a simple and comprehensive summary of the issues and topics of interest to the reader covered by the research.
  • To pose some inquiries through which new research can be launched.

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Research introduction and conclusion models suitable for all new and non-repetitive fields

The introduction is the first gateway to university or school scientific research or other types of scientific, literary and other research, and it must include the presentation of the main ideas that the research will address and treat in addition to mentioning the sources that helped him to complete this research, while the conclusion is a brief paragraph placed in At the end of the research, the result reached by the writer is stated, and it includes some suggestions and inquiries that open up new horizons for readers and writers to write more research. In the following, samples of a research introduction and conclusion will be presented that are suitable for all new and non-repetitive fields:

Watch also: How to Write a Research Introduction With Ready Introduction Template

Introduction and conclusion of religious research

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, until praise reaches its limit, and I bear witness that there is no god but God alone without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant, His Messenger, His chosen one and friend, He fulfilled the trust, conveyed the message and advised the nation, and struggled in God with the right of jihad until certainty came to him, we praise Almighty God, who guided us to write this religious research under the title “Theme of Research”, which it is necessary to delve into the details of its legal rulings in the light of the Holy Book and the honorable Prophetic Sunnah, as well as the opinions of scholars from the imams and the righteous predecessors on this subject, and I have chosen my sources from the most books Reliability and accuracy, and in writing my research, I relied on correct and honest evidence and proofs, hoping from God Almighty to guide me in it to all the best, and God is the guardian and success.

At the end of this noble research, we must praise and praise the Lord – Glory be to Him and praise Him for the abundance of information that is based on correct evidence. And females, old and young, we hope from the Lord – Glory be to Him – that the research will gain your admiration, and what you find from this research is right, it is success from God Almighty, and what you find wrong is a shortcoming from ourselves in diligence and research, Oh God, teach us what benefits us and benefit us with what you taught us And increase us in knowledge and action, O Karim, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.

اطلع أيضًا: لون من الألوان الحارة

Introduction and conclusion of scientific research

The revolution of technical progress is still insanely accelerating day after day. Every morning we wake up with new news about a discovery that technical progress has contributed to, or even about new inventions that must contribute to the development of mankind, and between faith and fear of the revolution of sciences that are considered As a lethal weapon in the advancement of civilizations, we had to conduct this research under the title “Technology Revolution”, which will discuss the history of this explosion from its beginning to our present, and what studies tell us about our future with the development of technologies, indicating the positives and negatives imposed by this revolution, based on this Research on the most prominent scientific sources and modern studies from international universities and cosmic research centers.

At the conclusion of this research, which dealt with the history of the technology revolution, as well as its present and future, we must thank God for what we have succeeded in writing this broad research, which opens great and different doors for us and raises many questions: Where does technology go? How far will technology take over the world after a while? We ask Almighty God that it be a research of benefit to Muslims and all researchers in the field of technology, and may the peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty be upon you.

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Introduction and conclusion of a literary research

The concept of literature is one of the concepts that developed over the years and different eras, but it also preserved its main pillars that cannot be shaken no matter how long the time and place varied, as literature during the Umayyad era carried meanings close to what is known as literature today from the study of jurisprudence, Tariq, the Holy Qur’an and sciences All kinds of language, to move later to include poetry and prose only in the Arabic language. Search for all the best, and God is the guardian and success.

With this huge amount of information on the “concept of literature throughout history,” we end our research, which included the definitions of historians, writers, and writers of the concept of literature, and discussed the development that accompanied this concept from time immemorial to the present day, to open up many horizons that raise new questions, most notably: Will the concept of literature change? literature in the future? Or did he take the concept that he will never get out of after reaching it? I ask Almighty God that this research will gain your admiration, and that it will be of benefit to all those interested in literary sciences. May the peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty be upon you.

See also: Research introduction ready for printing .. Research introductions for all types of research 2021

Introduction and conclusion of the English research

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of messengers, Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. In the community, which is of benefit and benefit to all members of society, as we, through this research, will provide reliable information about (mentioning the title of the research), after we spent many days in research, analysis and scrutiny to reach the desired goal, which is to provide logical research in the points The following (mentioning the main headings in the research) ask God success in perfect this research in the best condition achieving the desired goals.

Here we have reached the end of this valuable scientific research, and we thank God – the – for granting us success in Almighty it and accomplishing it to the fullest. From scientists and researchers, and how much we hope from God – Glory be to Him – to extend this research a helping hand to all researchers who wish to study this topic (the title of the research) with a great deal of expansion and extension, and God is the guardian of success.

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Introduction and conclusion, ready to print

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, the right to praise Him, and prayers be upon the one after whom there is no prophet, our Master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions, and peace be upon him, and after:
I place before you this important scientific research that revolves around: “The main topic of research” under the title “Title of Research”, through which many issues and topics related to this topic will be discussed in light of the deep studies followed by scholars and specialists in this topic, based on In our study of it on the most reliable scientific sources, we hope from Almighty God that the research will be on the level of aspirations, and God is the guardian and success.

At the conclusion of this research, which talked about the “research topic,” we thank God Almighty, who helped us to finish it to the fullest, and that he wrote us success in conducting studies related to its main topics, hoping from Him – Glory be to Him – to help us to conduct more research, and to make us In this world, from the students of its knowledge are well-guided ones, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.

Introduction and conclusion of university research

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of messengers, our master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. As for what follows, the science of mathematics is one of the most important sciences known in the world. It is the science that played a major role in the great technological progress that man has reached today. Full of theories on which the major sciences and major technologies in the world were based today, and this is what made us pass on one of the theories of mathematics, which is the theory (mentioning the title of the research) in order to present, even a little of this vast sea, citing the major theories discovered by the great scientists in mathematics in the world And we have put in this research all the references and sources that we relied on to write this research in its entirety, and thus we finish this introduction and move on to the content.

Here we have reached the end of this valuable scientific research, and we thank God – the Almighty – for granting us success in completing it and accomplishing it to the fullest. From scholars and researchers, and how much we hope from God – Glory be to Him – to extend this research a helping hand to all researchers who wish to study this topic (the title of the research) with a great deal of expansion and extension, and God is the guardian of success.

Research introduction and conclusion forms pdf

After submitting a research introduction and conclusion suitable for all new and non-repetitive fields in the aforementioned article, these forms must be submitted in pdf format, because this format is often adopted in all research in the various places where it is presented, so a content site provides a copy of the Previous forms in PDF format can be downloaded “from here”.

Templates introduction and conclusion docx

Also, providing a pdf version of the research introduction and conclusion forms written in the foregoing of the article, prompting some to search for a docx version of it, in the event that the reader likes to modify some of them and write some words that fit his research that he writes, so the site provides contents to its pioneers a copy of the previous forms docx format they can download “from here”.

Research introduction and conclusion models suitable for all fields, new and non-repetitive, an article in which the optimal way to write an introduction and conclusion suitable for any research of scientific, religious, literary and other research was explained.

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